Interview: Scott ‘Toy Guru’ Neitlich Talks Mattel, He-Man, The Toy Industry

Remember Matty Collector? Ah, those were the days when it was exciting to be a toy collector. Mattel was hitting home run after home run with DC Classics, Ghostbusters, and Masters of the Universe figures. The renowned toy company even produced excellent replicas like the Ghost Trap, Neutrona Wand, PKE Meter, and Marty McFly’s Hoverboard.
Scott ‘Toy Guru’ Neitlich of Spector Creative is the man we have to thank for quite a lot of Mattel’s collectibles from the late 2000s and early 2010s. Scott was a brand manager for Mattel, and in his own personal time, he helped He-Man establish a foothold in the collectors market after having been dormant for many years.
We spoke with the Toy Guru about his experiences in the toy industry and where it could be headed in the future. Check out our interview here:

Scott has many videos dedicated to not only the Masters of the Universe and DC Classics lines, but he also covers Mattel’s Ghostbusters figures and toy trends. Wonder why so many pegs are empty at your local retailer? Mr. Neitlich has an answer. There are hours and hours of information to be found at the Spector Creative YouTube Channel.

For more information on Scott and his company, Spector Creative, check out the following links:
Spector Creative YouTube Channel
Spector Creative Official Website
Spector Creative Official Twitter
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Mike Phalin
Mike Phalin
Longtime problematic entertainment journalist. The former workhorse for Dread Central,, and Fanbolt.

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