Judge Fire, Judge Anderson, And A Klegg Are PX Previews Exclusives

PX Previews via HIYA Toys and the Big Bad Toy Store are delving into some long-gone days of 2000 AD comics! This new line of Judge Dredd figures will soon have three new arrivals: Judge Anderson, Judge Fire, and a mean ol’ Klegg.
Finally, we’re getting a figure from the ’70s era of the Judge Dredd comics! We may finally get Judge Cal! Or maybe even Judge Fish!
The Klegg is priced at $24.99, while the others in the series are $19.99. These should be arriving in December of this year.


Judge Fire is the final member of the Dark Judges, the alien superfiends from a dimension where all life has been declared a crime. Clothed in eerie, lethal flames and carrying his lethal trident, Fire brings death and destruction everywhere he goes!


With her powerful psychic abilities and irreverent wit, Judge Anderson is one of 2000 AD’s biggest characters – the perfect foil for Judge Dredd since her debut in 1981 but so popular she soon broke out into her own series.


The fearsome Kleggs are alien mercenaries brought to Earth by the murderous tyrant Chief Judge Cal. Driven from the Kara System and available to the highest bidder, they are brutal warriors who fight for the joy of killing and take payment for their services in flesh.

Meaty beaty! Chop’em neatly! Death or glory! No retreatee! If we ever get another DREDD film, I hope it gives us the Judge Caligula storyline and the Kleggs.
The only gripe I have with this assortment is Judge Anderson’s hair. I get that they’re trying to capture the short hairdo she sported in her early days, but she looks too much like Renée Zellweger in Chicago. The ’90s long-hair version would fit this figure better.
Including a Klegg is excellent because most toylines that have used the Judge Dredd / 2000 AD license always overlook these aliens. Typically we get Dredd, Death, and Anderson. Now we’ve got the entire gang on the way!
Let us know what you think about these figures in the comments section below.
[Souce: Big Bad Toy Store] [Souce: Big Bad Toy Store] [Souce: Big Bad Toy Store]

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Mike Phalin
Mike Phalinhttp://syxxsense.com
Longtime problematic entertainment journalist. The former workhorse for Dread Central, ScienceFiction.com, and Fanbolt.

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