Marvel Legends To Make ’90s Animated Jubilee, Venom, & Wolverine

The animated versions of Wolverine, Jubilee, and Venom will be making their first appearance in the Marvel Legends line of action figures in 2022. Yes, Wolverine will even come with the accessories that will allow you to reenact the jealousy meme.
We spotted the three new figures over at Hasbro Pulse. So far, it looks like Venom has already sold out.
Jubilee and Wolverine will come in VHS-inspired packaging featuring artwork similar to the 1993 X-MEN animated series. Meanwhile, Venom will come in the same packaging as other Spider-Man Animated Series figures have been attached to. In addition, his cardback will be similar to the one the character came shipped in when Spidey’s cartoon hit TV in 1994.
Wolverine and Jubilee will be $26.99, while Venom is a tad more, $31.99.


With over 80 years of entertainment history, Marvel has become a cornerstone of fan collections around the world. With the Marvel Legends Series, fan favorite Marvel Comic Universe and Marvel Cinematic Universe characters are designed with premium detail and articulation for posing and display in collections. From figures to vehicles to premium roleplay items, the Marvel Legends Series offers elite character-inspired product for Marvel fans and collectors.

It’s about time. Sure, it was cool that Mondo had a 12″ Wolverine from the show, but he was over $100. I want something more affordable. Also, I like that Hasbro is also painting the figures to reflect the cel-shading of the show. It’s a bit touch but sets them apart from all the other Legends figures.
Odd that Hasbro went with Jubilee. Sure, she was the focus of the first episode, but even in the ’90s, I’m not sure she was the most popular mutant. Gambit, Wolverine, and Storm indeed were. Oh, well. Now, give us a new Rogue figure with that extra round butt from the Apocolypse episode!
[Source: Hasbro Pulse]

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Mike Phalin
Mike Phalin
Longtime problematic entertainment journalist. The former workhorse for Dread Central,, and Fanbolt.

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