What Does Japan think of the Netflix Cowboy Bebop Opening?

Last month Netflix revealed the first look of the actors dressed as the main characters from the live action adaption of Cowboy Bebop. The photo reveals were met with many mixed feelings from Japanese fans about how the characters were being portrayed, so far. Now we have our first look of the characters in action with a recently released opening credit sequence. And people of Japan have their thoughts, as to be expected.

It’s hard to top the masterpiece of the anime opening, so it’s a pleasant surprise to many that the Netflix version decided to stick with same song “Tank!”,  by Yoko Kanno, with similar stylistic choices in the creation. Some parts were kept similar while many others were quite different, portraying hints of the storylines to be shown in the series.

Here are some of the positive responses from people in Japan:

“I was assuming Netflix was just gonna completely rewrite the series, but I saw a bunch of sub-characters I recognize from the anime, so I’m pretty excited now!”
“They have a ton of characters from the anime in it! Really looking forward to watching it!”
“It’s clever how the anime opening had English text in the background, but this has Japanese.”
“You can really feel the respect they have for the source material by keeping “Tank!” as the opening theme. The visuals still feel a little off, but I think this’ll turn out good.”
“I think it’s going to be like the Nolan Batman movies. If you compare it to the original work, it won’t feel right to you, but you can enjoy it in a different way than the original.”

Of course, there will be those who are still unsure about the Netflix series. Most of those being anime fans. It’s just hard not to compare it to the anime.

“It just feels lame.”
“The respect they have for the original really shows, and the [music] is awesome, but it feels off.”
“Is this some kind of fan-made parody?”
“Quit turning anime into live-action, dammit!”
“Watching this really reminds you how great the anime was.”

However there is one thing pretty much everyone agrees upon.

“Excellent job casting Ein.”
“Ein looks perfect.”
“Nominate that pup for Best Supporting Dog.”

Look for it to come to Netflix worldwide on November 19th.

Source: SoraNews

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Sarah Leone
Sarah Leonehttps://sarahleone.com/
An independent artist who loves to mix things up between traditional and digital art. She has a love for all things anime, animation, and manga. Oh, and cats. Can't forget the cats.

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