What does the Green Milk from The Last Jedi taste like? Kinda fruity.

One of the most infamous scenes from Rian Johnsons’ divisive Star Wars: The Last Jedi featured sad sack Jedi Luke Skywalker getting some green milk straight from the alien teet.

Everyone (and by that I mean no one) wanted to know what this thick green liquid tasted like. And now — thanks to the magic of Disney — we’ll soon have our answer.

Both green and blue milk will be available for purchase in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge when the new themed land opens in Disneyland and Walt Disney World.

Judging by the official description, they both taste kinda fruity.

Blue Milk
Coconut and Rice Milks with flavors of Dragon Fruit, Pineapple, Lime, and Watermelon

Green Milk
Coconut and Rice Milks with flavors of Mandarin Orange, Passion Fruit, Grapefruit, and Orange Blossom

So basically like the milk leftover in the bottom of a bowl of Fruity Pebbles?

The milks are described as “frozen beverages” and will be available at a milk cart in Galaxy’s Edge. Hey, I guess it’s better than luke warm?

[Source: PNP]

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Thom 'Kneon' Pratt
Thom 'Kneon' Pratt
A 'sassy chud' and the most dangerous bobbing cartoon head on YouTube. Cartoonist, Co-host of Clownfish TV, Owner of Clownfish Studios and Publisher of ClownfishTV.com. Opinions MINE.

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